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 Recreation activity(Click national flag)
Recreation Leader+Laughter Leader(Package)
Recreation Leader
Laughter Leader
  Cooperation Association
World Leisure Congress of Chuncheon
Introduction to ICHPER.SD
Information on Certificate Acquiring Training and Application Procedure
1. The need for the certificate acquiring training

The Certificate Acquiring Training program enhances the ability and capabilities to make good use of leisure and healthy recreation for the consolidation throughout life of a healthy perspective on leisure, active thinking, transformation into a bright personality, improved humor, speech giving method, development of leadership potential, and improved interpersonal relations and social adaptability. We have developed the program so that you may enjoy a healthy and rich leisure life.

As recreation qualities are emphasized as indispensable elements in modern society, you will learn through the training, basic and overarching subjects such including as theories on leisure and recreation· leadership, successful leadership, generation of laughter, as well as many kinds of joyful and useful games, in order to achieve the objectives below.  

1) Popularization of recreation and making it part of life in order to enjoy a healthy and happy life
2) Apply the personality qualities of recreation to studies and work in order to improve work capability
3) Many programs and events on recreation, laughter treatment, generation of laughter, and humor techniques conducted.
4) Contribute to the transformation into a bright and active personality, fostering leadership, humor and wit, self-development, improved social adaptability as the personality qualities of recreation that modern people should indispensably have.
5) Training of global leaders and the best intellectuals in the 21st century preparing for future success by taking up challenges.
6) Consolidation of a healthy and rich lifelong view of leisure
7) Holistic education through recreation activities that train the body, enrich the mind, bring psychological stability, relieve stress and foster sociability.

2. Characteristics

The training for certificates conducted by the WREA has gained public confidence with its know-how based on many years of experience with many people participating from universities and organizations. It is a Web-based certificate acquiring training provided for the first time in the world after much research.

WREA works to consolidate a healthy leisure and game culture values by developing contents befitting modern society in a global, cyber and digital era and by providing recreation and leisure education to citizens of the world.
Lecturers providing recreation education are professors teaching recreation at universities and famous people with the best field expertise. We have developed the contents so that practical education in the form of videos that can be readily applied in the field is provided.

3. Who needs the training

1) Ordinary people and those interested in recreation, laughter generation and treatment, and leadership.
2) People who want to transform into a bright personality, acquire active thinking, foster leadership, improve humor and wit, develop potential, learn speech giving method, improve confidence, and develop international relations capability.
3) People working in event management, youth leadership, training centers, training team, office, as well as religious, physical education, social welfare, children’s education, tourism, drama and movie making fields in addition to housewives and volunteers.

4. Standards for acquiring grade 1 and 2 certificates

- Courses to foster leaders are composed of the Grade 2 Leisure Recreation Leader courses and the Grade 2 Laughter Leader courses.

- Courses to foster leaders are basically divided into courses for leisure recreation leaders and for laughter leaders and both need to complete 10-15 common courses.

- The laughter leader courses are composed of 40-50 courses including common courses and the leisure recreation leader courses are composed of 40-50 courses including common courses.

*To acquire the grade 2 certificate, the following two conditions must be met.
1) You must study using videos all the courses of the relevant certificate.
  - Should you wish to extend the courses from lack of time, it is possible to extend it by 30 days
    (leave your request for extension on the bulletin board.)
2) By referring to field interpretation and learning basic theories, you must submit a report at the end.

5. Training procedure

 1) Grade 2 certificate acquiring procedure
- Become a member -> request the relevant certificate subjects -> confirmation of payment (video lectures open) -> learn using videos -> submit homework
※ After submitting the homework, it will be evaluated and if approved, you can print the certificate from the MY STUDY Web site (takes 3 days)

2) Grade 1 certificate acquiring procedure (only universities or organizations with more than 200 people can apply)
- Upon completion of the training for grade 2 certificate, complete 20 hours of field training, after which theory and practice are evaluated.

6. Cost

1) Recreation grade 2 leader certificate, Laughter and physical education grade 2 leader certificate : $190

2) Recreation grade 2 leader certificate, Laughter and physical education grade 2 leader certificate : $120

2) Laughter and physical education grade 2 leader certificate: $120

* After becoming a member, should you request extension, you may pay for it online
* The cost for training for the three types of grade 1 certificates depends on the number of trainees and country as 20 hours of field training must be provided.. (ask the secretariat for a calculation of the training cost)
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COPYRIGHT(c)2009 WREA. All rights Reserved. #102, 16-2, Daehak 1-ro 8beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
WREA Headquarters
World Recreation Educational Association(WREA)
Main Sponsor : World Recreation Educational Center Co.,Ltd.(WREC)
Organizing institution bar code : 110-82-09395 l President/CEO : Ph.D. Young Kee Lee
Tel : +82-2-431-5258  Fax : +82-2-431-5246 / E-mail : /