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 Recreation activity(Click national flag)
Recreation Leader+Laughter Leader(Package)
Recreation Leader
Laughter Leader
  Cooperation Association
World Leisure Congress of Chuncheon
Introduction to ICHPER.SD
WREA Staffs, Committees, Commissioners, and Chapters


WREA Title

Professional  History

Young Kee Lee


Ph.D. (Leisure & Recreation)
He served as a leisure commissioner for the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance(ICHPER.SD).
Founder and Chief Professor of Korea University for CEO Program of Korean Wave and Leisure Industry
Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, College of Sports and Leisure
President, World Recreation Educational Center Co.,Ltd.
Founder / President of World Recreation Educational Association (WREA, Chapters in about 30 countries)
Award of President of the U.S. Obama Prize"

Gene Lamke

President of North America &Caribbean Continent

Professor of San Diego State University in USA

Hyun Sup Park President of the WREA Asia&Oceania Former chief of international referees of the World Taekwondo Federation / Head of the Training Center of KUKKIWON (World Taekwondo Headquarters)
Yong Sun Cheong

Europe Regional (Continental) Chapter President

MA from Dortmund National Music College in Germany
Honorary Ph.D from Bacon University in Florida, USA
President of Foreigners’ Association in the Central Germany
Opera Director of Agape World Opera Company

Stepan Goniyants

Vice President designated by President

Professor of Russia State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism

Gene Lamke

President, USA Chapter of the WREA

Professor of San Diego State University in USA

Stepan Goniyants

President, Russia Chapter of the WREA

Professor of Russia State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism

Jae Joon Ro

President, Korea Chapter of the WREA

President, Korean Chapter of the WREA, 
Vice President of the WREA

Harada Munehiko

President, Japanese Chapter of the WREA

Professor of Waseda University

Satchidananda Behera

President, India Chapter of the WREA

Professor of San Gadgebaba Amravati University in India

Le Quy Phuong

President, Vietnam Chapter of the WREA

President of Hochiminh City University of Sport


President, Thailand Chapter of the WREA

Professor, North Bangkok University

Pattama Vice President of  Thailand Chapter

President, North Bangkok University


President, China Chapter of the WREA

Professor of Beijing Normal University

Reza Zadehmohammad President, Austria Chapter of the WREA President, Owner of Educational Institution
Frederick Lartey Otu
President, Ghana Chapter of the WREA A senior customs officer of the Ghana
Revenue Authority,  MBA
(Marketing) holder.
Osita Ferguson Oluigbo President, Nigeria Chapter of the WREA Secretary General of West African Taekwondo International Referees Association
Altantsetseg. L President, Mongolia Chapter of the WREA Rector, Mongolian National Institute of Physical Education
Salawi, Abdulelah Ahmad President, Saudi Arabia Chapter of the WREA King Saud University
KHALIL JABRAN President, Pakistan Chapter of the WREA President, Pakistan Martial Arts Promotion Foundation
Yu Mu Ming President, Taiwan Chapter of the WREA 教授, 台湾新党主席、辽宁石油化工大学名誉教授, 同时担任亚洲医药网董事长
Wu Zhi Liang President, Macau Chapter of the WREA 博士, 出任澳门基金会行政委员会主席
Lee Kwan Meng President, Malaysia Chapter of the WREA Vice President of the Malaysian Leisure And Recreation Council
Chee Keng John Wang President, Singapore Chapter of the WREA Professor, National Institute of Education
Ron E. McCarville President, Canada Chapter of the WREA Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
Shane Pegg President, Australia Chapter of the WREA Professor, University of Queensland, Faculty of Health Sciences
Tang En Jia President, Hong Kong Chapter of the WREA 博士, 香港孔教学院院长、世界儒商联合会会长、国际儒学联合会副理事长,美国爱奥华威斯理安大学工商管理博士,世界著名儒学文化名人
Yo Jun Kim President, Brazil Chapter of the WREA President, Owner of Educational Institution
Sergio Chavez M. President, Mexico Chapter of the WREA President, Panathlon International Club Queretaro
Henry C. Daut President, Philippines Chapter of the WREA Dean of the College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation at Mindanao State University.
Master of Science degree from the University of Oregon as a Fulbright scholar.
Ki Young Jung President, Egypt Chapter of the WREA President, Owner of Educational Institution

Yong Jin Yoon

Chief of Curriculum Committee

Professor of Yonsei University

Tian Hui Commissioner of Leisure Activities and Leisure Sports in WREA Professor of Beijing Sports University

Jo Young Yuk

Chief of Finance Committee

Professor of Korea National Sport University

Chae Hee  Park

Chief of Academic Research and Editing Committee

Professor of Korea National Sport University

Ki Tai Park

Chief of Bylaws Committee

Attorney at Barun Law Firm
Law School of Colombia University

Harada Munehiko

Commissioner of Social Welfare and Children’s Recreation

Professor of Waseda University

Satchidananda Behera

Commissioner of Traditional Play and Games of Each Country

Professor of San Gadgebaba Amravati University in India

Tae Young Kim

Commissioner of Leadership Education

Former Minister of Natinal Defense of South Korea

Chuchchai Gomaratut

Commissioner of Modern Play and Games

Professor of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand

Sung Su Yoo

Commissioner of Healthy Life and Laughter

WREA Special Lecturer


Commissioner of Recreation Industry, Marketing, Creating Jobs

Professor of Beijing Normal University

G.K. Dhokrat

President of Mumbai branch in India

Professor at the B.P.C.A. College of Physical Education

WREA Advisors and Special Lecturers


WREA Title

Professional History

Christopher R. Edginton

International Advisor

World Leisure Organization, Former Secretary General

Alexander  Bleer

International Advisor

Rector of the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth, and Tourism

Seong Jo Kim International Adviser President, Korea National Sport University, 3 Times Elected Congress Man

Un Chan Chung

Special Lecturer

Former Prime Minister of South Korea

Li Hongjiang

International Advisor

Former Party Secretary of  Capital University of Physical Education and Sports

Cheon Hee Lee International Advisor Proferssor, Korea University

Tian Ye

International Advisor

President of the China Institute Science; General Secretary of the China Physical Education Academic Society

Jeung Rho Yoon International Advisor President of  The Segye Times

Kwag Bae Lee

International Advisor

Honma Golffachhandel mit 20 Jahren Tradition

Heung Tae Kim

Latin America Project Expert

Owner of 2 professional soccer teams in Brazil

Zhongkui Wu

International Advisor

Vice-President of Beijing Normal University Zhuhai

Dong Sup Lee International Advisor Chair Man of Resident Association Macau
Joseph Ho Yoon Special Staff Professor, Osan University
WREA Experts


WREA Title

Professional History

Nataliya Melnikova WREA Expert Professor of Russia State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism
Shane Pegg

WREA Expert

University of Queensland,Faculty of Health Sciences

Hiroharu Kamioka

WREA Expert

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Selina Khoo

WREA Expert

University of Malaya

Ho Hai

WREA Expert

Head of HUS Recreation and Leisure Sport Department Hochiminh City University of Sport

Pham Hoang Tung

WREA Expert

PhD of Education Head of foreign affairs Hochiminh City University of Sport, Vietnam

Zhong Yong

WREA Expert

School of Sports Leisure, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai

Somporn Gomaratut

WREA Expert

Faculty of Art and Science, Dhurakijpandit University

Franz Atare

WREA Expert

College of Education, Warri. Delta State Nigeria

Ahmad Alfadhil

WREA Expert

King Saud University

Neil Fowler

WREA Expert

Manchester Metropolitan University

Dinastry Pramadita

WREA Expert

Sports Medicine Consultant of Fitness Center for Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia

Wai Cheong Chew

WREA Expert

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Pei Ting Chang

WREA Expert

DeLin Institute of Technology , Department of Leisure Business Management

Subhash Shekokar

WREA Expert

Nevjabai Hitkarini College Bramhapuri, District- Chandrapur

Ajay Gulhane

WREA Expert

Yuvashakti College Of Physical Education, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Abdulelah Salawi

WREA Expert

King Saud University

Se Hyuk Park

WREA Expert

Professor of the Seoul National University of  Science and Technology, English interpreter

Journal staffs of WREA Russia chapter (Prepared)

Journal founders
World Recreation Educational Association (WREA)
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE),

Editorial boarder

Editor in Chief

Dr. YOUNG KEE LEE : President of World Recreation Educational Association (Seoul Special City, South Korea).
Professor BLEER ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH: EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE)” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Senior Editor

Professor GONIYANTS STEPAN : PhD in pedagogical science, Head of Departure “Methodology of complex types of physical culture”, Vice-president of WREA (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Science Editor

Docent Сиднева Лариса Валентиновна: PhD in pedagogical science, Internationally Certified Judge of Aerobic (Moscow, Russian Federation)

International Scientific Advisory Council

Council chair
OGANOV RAFAEL: member of Russian Academy of Medical Science

Members of Council

Professor Булатова Мария Михайловна: EdD, Merited Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine, Pro-rector of National University of Physical Culture and Sport of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Professor ЕВСЕЕВ СЕРГЕЙ ПЕТРОВИЧ: EdD, Head of Department of Science and Education of Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation
Professor ЗАКИРЬЯНОВ КАЙРАТ КАЙРУЛЛИНОВИЧ: EdD, President of the Kazach Academy of Sport and Tourism (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Professor Yong Jin Yoon, Doctor of Science (Department of Leisure Sports of Yonsei University, Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Professor КОСИЧЕНКО Григорий Павлович: : PhD in pedagogical science, Rector of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture (Minsk, the Republic of Belarus)
Professor МОНОЛАКИ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ, EdD: Rector of the National University of Sport and Physical Education of Moldova (Kishinev, the Republic of Moldova)
Professor PEREDELSKY ALEXY ANATOLIEVICH, EвD: Pro-rector of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Work (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor РОЖКОВ ПАВЕЛ АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ: Doctor of Science, Economics, Senior vice-president of Russian Paralympic Committee(Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor СОЗАНСКИЙ ГЕНРИК: Doctor of Science, Rector of Academy of Physical Education (Warsaw, Poland)
Professor СТРАДЗЕ АЛЕКСАНДР ЭДУАРДОВИЧ: Doctor of Social Science, Head of State Policy Department for Education of Children and Youth in Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor ТОКАРСКИЙ ВАЛЬТЕР, Rector of German Sport University Cologne (Cologne, Germany)
Professor SPILKO SERGEI, PhD in economics: Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and the Hotel Industry, President of Russian Union of Travel Industry (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor ЯН ХУА, President of Beijing Sport University (Beijing, China)

Editorial board

Professor АНАНЬЕВА ТАТЬЯНА НИКОЛАЕВНА, Doctor of Social Science, Pro-rector of Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor БЫХОВСКАЯ ИРИНА МАРКОВНА, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department of Cultural Studies, Sociocultural Anthropology and Social Communications (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
ГОРБУНОВ АЛЕКСАНДР ПАВЛОВИЧ, member of Academy of Psychological Science, Rector of Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation)
Docent KOMOVA ELENA VIKTOROVNA, PhD in Pedagogy, head of the Department of foreign languages
Professor КРУЖАЛИН ВИКТОР ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, Doctor of Geographical Science, vice president of Russian International Academy of Tourism, Head of the Institute of Integrative Studies in Education MSU (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor МАТЫЦИН ОЛЕГ ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, President of Russian Student Sports Union,(Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor МЕЛЬНИКОВА НАТАЛЬЯ ЮРЬЕВНА, PhD in Pedagogy, head of the Department of History of Physical Culture, Sport and Olympic Education (SCOLIPE), President of Central Olympic Academy (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor NEVERKOVICH SERGEI DMITRIEVICH, EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, head of the Department of Pedagogy (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federaation)
Docent PANOV SERGEI NIKOLAEVICH, PhD in Engineering Science, Vice President of Sports Tourism Federation of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor СЕЙРАНОВ СЕРГЕЙ ГЕРМАНОВИЧ, EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, Rector of Moscow State Academy of Physical Education (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor Se Hyuk Park, Doctor of Science, Sports Science Department, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Professor ТАЙМАЗОВ ВЛАДИМИР АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ, EdD, Rector of National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health n.a. P.F. Lesgaft (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Professor Chae Hee Park, Doctor of Science, Department of Physical Education and human services, Korea National Sport University (Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Executive Secretary
DUBININ ALEXANDER SERGEEVICH, head of laboratory (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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COPYRIGHT(c)2009 WREA. All rights Reserved. #102, 16-2, Daehak 1-ro 8beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
WREA Headquarters
World Recreation Educational Association(WREA)
Main Sponsor : World Recreation Educational Center Co.,Ltd.(WREC)
Organizing institution bar code : 110-82-09395 l President/CEO : Ph.D. Young Kee Lee
Tel : +82-2-431-5258  Fax : +82-2-431-5246 / E-mail : /