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Introduction to ICHPER.SD
  Terms of Use  

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of the terms of use lies in regulating the rights and responsibilities of users using the online training center managed by the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association)(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) (hitherto "training center").

Article 2 (Effectiveness and amendments)
① The terms of use become effective once sent to the member through the training center either by notification, email or other means.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may amend the content of the terms without prior notice when something important happens and the amended terms become effective once sent or announced as in clause 1.
③ If the member does not agree with the amended terms of use, he/she may request cancelling his/her membership. If the member continues to use the training center even after the date the amended terms of use become effective, it will be deemed as if having agreed to the amendments.

Article 3 (Regulations other than the terms)

For items not specified in the terms, they should be ruled according to the basic act on electronic communication, electronic communication business act, and laws and acts related to expediting the use of information networks.

Article 4 (Definition of terminologies)

The definition of terminologies used in these terms of use is as follows.

1) User: A person, a legally-certified organization, or a group commensurate to legally-certified that has signed the user contract with the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
2) User ID: The combination of letters and numbers that users have selected to distinguish users for use of the training center, which the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) has acknowledged.
3) Password: The combination of letters and numbers that the user has set in order to confirm that he/she is the same person as the user ID and to protect the user's secrets.
4) Terminal: Information and communication equipment such as a modem and PC the user installed in order to be provided with information.
5) Announcement: Unit of information uploaded on the bilateral communication training center the user directly participates in such as bulletin boards, open documentation room, personal home page, files sent to the training center, news, and chatting.
6) Using the training center: All communication activities from when the user uses the terminal to enter the host of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) until concluding the activity.
7) Requesting use: Requesting the use of the training center according to standards and procedures set forth by the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
8) Approving use: Approving the normal use of the training center by the user after reasons for delay, stop usage and cancellation have been resolved or when the user's request for use meets the conditions set forth by the company.
9) Cancellation: Either the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) or the user cancelling the user contract after having normally opened an account to use the training center.

Chapter 2 Contract to use the training center

Article 5 (Establishment of use contract)

① When requesting registration at the training center, if you click on the "agree" button after having read the terms of use, it is deemed you have agreed to the terms.
② The use contract is established after the user agrees to the terms of use of the training center and the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) approves the request for use.

Article 6 (Requesting use)

① People wishing to use the training center by registering as a member should request use by providing information on the items on the registration form demanded by the company.
② All member information written on the online registration form is deemed as real data and people not providing actual information or using real names cannot get legal protection and will be limited in their use of the training center.

Article 7 (Protection of personal information)

① The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) protects and respects its members' personal information.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) collects information about its members through information members provided in order to participate in all kinds of events, community activities and to register and uses the personal information for the purpose of executing this use contract and providing services of the training center as per this use contract.
③ The company cannot leak or distribute its members' information to a third person for commercial purposes without the approval of the members. Only, if it applies to the reasons below, it does not hold. 1. When there is a request by organizations related to investigation to view the information for investigation according to relevant laws. 2. When the Korea Communications Standards Commission requests 3. When other requests are made according to the procedure of relevant laws.
④ Within the scope of clause 3, the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may use for work some or all personal information of members as group statistical data.

Article 8 (Approving request for use)

① The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) approves requests for use in the order of registration when there is no special reason not to for all use requests made according to Article 6.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may limit approval of use request when it falls under the below items and delay approval until it has been resolved.

1. When the person responsible for paying the tuition to the training center has not paid it to the company.
2. When there is no room in the facilities of the training center.
3. When there is a technical obstacle.
4. When the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) deems necessary.

③ The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may not approve request for use contract in the following cases.

1. When the real name is not used when requesting.
2. When someone else's name is used to request.
3. When false information has been provided when requesting.
4. When the request has been made with the objective of obstructing the welfare and order of the activities of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) and beautiful customs.
5. When having been forced to leave as a delinquent member.
6. When the conditions for use request set forth by the company has not been fulfilled.

④ When approval of use request has been delayed or denied according to clause 2 and 3, the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) must inform it to the person requesting use. Only, when something happens for which the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for and cannot inform the person requesting use, is an exception.

Article 9 (Amending the terms of contract)

① A member may view and amend personal information anytime through personal information management (
② A member should amend information provided when requesting use if it has changed. A member is held accountable for all problems arising from non amendment of changed member information.

Chapter 3 Responsibilities of the parties to the contract

Article 10 (Responsibilities of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association))

① The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) should make steady efforts for a continuous and stable use of the training center as set forth in this terms of use and restore out of order or extinct equipment.

② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) should process according to appropriate procedures opinions or complaints presented by a member according to set procedures.


Article 11 (Responsibilities of a member)

① A member should abide by the regulations set forth in this terms of use, the training center's user information and precautions to take and other announcements made by the organization, and should not obstruct the work and activities of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
② All responsibility to manage the member ID and password lies with the member. The member is fully responsible for everything that happens from mismanagement and misuse of the given ID and password.
③ If a member finds that his/her ID and password have been misused, he/she must immediately report to the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) and take full responsibility for everything that happens from failure of reporting.
④ A member should abide by the notifications of limited use made on the training center's bulletin board or separately informed.
⑤ A user should dutifully pay the cost of using the training center and is fully responsible for all problems arising from nonpayment. Only, when the company purposely or from gross negligence has not processed the payment, the user is not held responsible.
⑥ A member may not use the training center or do business without prior approval of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) and the association is not held accountable for the outcome of that business and for all business activities carried out by the member in violation of the terms. If the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) incurs damages from the member's business activities, the member is responsible to compensate for the damages to the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
⑦ A member may not transfer or give to a third party the user right of the training center and other status under the use contract or use it as a security without the explicit approval of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
⑧ A member should not do any of the activities stated below as regards his/her use of the training center.

1. Act of stealing the member ID, password and national ID number of others
2. Copying, publishing, using in broadcasting or providing to a third party information acquired from using the training center for purposes other than use by the member without prior approval of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
3. Act of distributing to others by announcing, sending emails or through other methods information that violate other people's patents, trademark, business secrets, and intellectual property.
4. Act of distributing information, sentences, figures that are degrading, lewd and in violation of public order and customs by sending, announcing, and sending emails about them to others.
5. Act of sending, announcing, sending emails or using other methods to distribute information to others that are degrading and threatening, and thus in violation of other people's privacy.
6. Act objectively deemed as being tied to a crime.
7. Act of collecting and saving personal information of other users without the approval of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
8. Other acts that violate relevant laws.

Chapter 4 Use of the training center

Article 12 (Fee and information with a fee, etc.)

The training center provided by the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is basically free. But for the separate training center with a fee, the clearly set fee should be paid for use.

Article 13 (Member's announcements)

The company may delete without prior notice announcements uploaded or registered in the training center by a member if they are deemed to fall under the clauses below.

1. When criticizing and slandering, thus damaging the reputation of another member or a third person.
2. When in violation of public order and beautiful customs.
3. When acknowledged as being tied to a criminal act.
4. When it violates the rights and intellectual property rights of a third person or that of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
5. When linking lewd content or lewd sites.
6. When putting an announcement that is not in line with the nature of the bulletin board.
7. Other cases deemed to be in violation of relevant laws.

Article 14 (Intellectual property rights of announcements)

The rights to the announcements made at the training center are as follows.

1. The rights and responsibilities of announcements are that of the author and the company may not use them for commercial purposes other than publishing them in the training center without the approval of the author.
Only, the company may use them for non-profit purposes and in that case, the company has the right to publish them within the training center.
2. A member may not process, sell or use for commercial purposes information acquired from using the training center.
3. It is forbidden to send without notice to other sites or media contents announcements directly produced by the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) without written approval. And when in violation, it will be punished according to legal measures.

Article 15 (Publishing commercials and transactions with the advertiser)

① The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may publish commercials in order to collect funds for the provision of services of the training center. People wishing to use the training center are deemed to be in agreement with the publication of the commercials they are exposed to when using the center.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for all damages and loss incurred from a member participating, communicating or transacting in sales promotion activities of advertisers who have advertised through the training center.

Article 16 (Commercial transaction and group purchase)

① The company may engage in group purchase and commercial transaction in order to provide a better training center to members.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may provide related news to members for a commercial transaction or group purchase.
③ When engaging in a commercial transaction and group purchase, the primary responsibility of the product's after service lies with the supplier and manufacturer of the product.
④ Other relevant matters follow general rules of a commercial transaction.

Article 17 (Usage hours of the training center)

In principle, the training center may be used every day of the year 24 hours a day unless there is a work-related or technical obstacle at the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association). Only, the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may limit use on set days and time for regular management.

Article 18 (Stopping the provision of the training center, etc.)

The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may stop providing the training center for the following reasons.

1. For repair and construction of the training center's equipment.
2. When the communication company regulated by the electronic communication business act stops the electronic communication of the training center.
3. Other inevitable reasons.

Chapter 5 Cancellation of a contract and limiting use

Article 19 (Cancelling a contract and limiting use)

① When a member wishes to cancel his/her use contract, the member him/herself must request online cancellation of membership.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) may cancel the use contract or end a member's use of the training center for a set period without prior notice if a member does any of the actions stated below.

1. When stealing another person's personal information, ID or password
2. When the real name is not used when registering.
3. When the same user double registers with another ID
4. When damaging another person's reputation or bringing loss.
5. When violating the company's, another member's, or a third person's intellectual property rights.
6. When purposely distributing content that threatens public order and beautiful customs.
7. When a member plans to use the training center and uses it for the purpose of damaging national interest and social public interest.
8. When purposely obstructing the management of the training center.
9. When sending mass information or commercial information for the purpose of obstructing the stable management of the training center.
10. When spreading computer virus programs that destroy information or obstruct the operation of information communication equipment.
11. When the Korea Communications Standards Commission and other external organizations request correction or when an authoritative interpretation by the National Election Commission has been made regarding illegal campaigning.
12. When information acquired from using the training center of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is copied, distributed or used for commercial purposes without the prior approval of the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).
13. When in violation of these terms of use and other usage conditions set forth by the World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association).

Chapter 6 Compensation for damages and other matters

Article 20 (Compensation for damages)

The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible at all for any loss incurred by a member during his/her use of the training center when free.

Article 21 (Immunity from duty)

① The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is immune from responsibility if it cannot provide the training center because of natural disasters or other commensurate inevitable natural disasters.
② The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for obstacles to the use of the training center for reasons the member is responsible for.
③ The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for the loss in expected profit from a member using the training center or loss from the use of materials acquired through the training center.
④ The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for the information, data, and the trustworthiness and precision of content published by a member in the training center.
⑤ The World Recreation Education Association(The Educational Center of Recreation Association) is not responsible for loss incurred by a member during his/her use of the training center caused by his/her gross negligence and error.

[Supplementary provisions]

(Date of enforcement) These terms of use are to be enforced from the date publicly announced.



Terms of Use l Information on the collection and use of personal information l Email unauthorized acquisition rejected l Customer Support l Regulations on refund
COPYRIGHT(c)2009 WREA. All rights Reserved. #102, 16-2, Daehak 1-ro 8beon-gil, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
WREA Headquarters
World Recreation Educational Association(WREA)
Main Sponsor : World Recreation Educational Center Co.,Ltd.(WREC)
Organizing institution bar code : 110-82-09395 l President/CEO : Ph.D. Young Kee Lee
Tel : +82-2-431-5258  Fax : +82-2-431-5246 / E-mail : /